Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Well, I hope everyone's been keeping warm (or if you're in a warm climate, keeping cool). I'm back from visiting my family for Christmas, and it's nice to get back into the swing of things. It was really great to spend time with the family, though. It'll probably be a while before I eat such well-prepared meals again.

DLC Add-Ons

3on3 FreeStyle
PlayStation Plus Bonus Pack (PS4) (+)

Final Fantasy XV
FFXV Holiday Pack (Free Version) (PS4)

The King of Fighters XIV

Minecraft - PlayStation Edition
3rd Birthday Skin Pack (PS4)

3rd Birthday Skin Pack (PS3)

3rd Birthday Skin Pack (Vita)

SWORD ART ONLINE: Hollow Realization
Weapon & Armor Enhancement Set (PS4)
Weapon Evolution Set (PS4)

Weapon & Armor Enhancement Set (Vita)
Weapon Evolution Set (Vita)


PS4 Apps
Jaunt VR

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Well, I put in my notice at work. I gave three weeks advance notice since the office will be closed for Christmas a few days this next week, so I'll be at my new job the second week of January. Exciting!

But what isn't all that exciting (to me, anyway) is this post update. Only a few things to add, and none are all that amazing. I guess Dragon Ball is alright. {shrug}

DLC Add-Ons

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Masters Pack (PS4)

NASCAR Heat Evolution
Miller Lite Paint Scheme Pack (PS4)
Toyota Challenge Pack 4 (PS4)
Toyota Paint Scheme Pack 4 (PS4)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


I rarely share anything that isn't a normal freebie, but I tried the demo of that Indivisible game, and I definitely recommend checking it out. It's technically still in prototype, so they could potentially overhaul a lot before it's done, but it's pretty neat so far. The only thing I had a problem with was the steep difficulty ramp when I got to the statue boss.

This week there are a handful of avatars, a couple PS+ exclusive goodies, and probably the only thing I care to check out, myself: a new free theme. If only they'd bring back the PS3's custom wallpapers instead of selling them to us...

DLC Add-Ons

Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
DOA5LR Costume Catalog LR40 (PS4)

Farming Simulator 17
Massey Ferguson 8737 Black Duals (PS4) (+)

Zen Pinball 2
Paragon PlayStation Plus Bonus Skin (PS4) (+)

Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII
RTK13: RTK Day Commemorative Contents (PS4)


I Expect You To Die - Agency Avatar
I Expect You To Die - Bear Avatar
I Expect You To Die - Lighter Avatar
I Expect You To Die - Sandwich Avatar
I Expect You To Die - Spy Avatar
I Expect You To Die - Zoraxis Avatar

PS4 Themes
The King of Fighters XIV: 'South American Fighters' Theme

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December 2016 PS Plus Games

  December 2016

None of this months PS Plus games really excite me... but that's probably just because I haven't heard of any of them. I'm behind the times, y'all. I've had VVVVVV on my computer forever, though. So I guess that counts for something.

Invisible, Inc.
Stories: The Path of Destinies
Tiny Troopers Joint Ops
Color Guardians

Hyper Void
Tiny Troopers Joint Ops

Color Guardians
Tiny Troopers Joint Ops

>>>>> Store Link <<<<<


Hey, check it out: some new free themes. I don't know what Indivisible is, but that theme looks really nice. The Resident Evil one... not so much. But everyone has their own tastes—check them both out and see if you like them.  =)
Also, as in the past, there are pinball add-ons that have "demo" in the name but that aren't categorized in the PS Store as demos. So I've listed them here. Feel free to ignore them.

DLC Add-Ons

The Festive Seasoning (PS4)

Star Wars: Battlefront
Rogue One: VR Mission (PS4)

Zen Pinball 2
Bethesda Pinball Demo (PS4)

Bethesda Pinball Demo (PS3)

Bethesda Pinball Demo (Vita)


Aero-Chili Christmas
Amplitude Blaster Ship Avatar Bundle

PS4 Themes
Indivisible 1st Anniversary Dynamic Theme
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Theme

Monday, December 5, 2016

PlayStation Live Stream Prizes

So you want the prizes (PS4 themes, sweepstakes entries) for this year's PlayStation Live stream, but you don't want to watch people gab on and on about Call of Duty and Knack... Rather than pointlessly run the stream on mute in the background (which didn't even work for me, btw), you can just tell the web page that you've completed the required viewing to unlock the prizes:

Note: I tried to make these steps as verbose as possible for someone who hasn't messed with a web page debugger before, but it could be possible I didn't explain simply enough for a novice. Feel free to post a comment if you need better guidance.

Note: If you've done web page debugging before, I'm probably a little more wordy than you need, but I'm sure you'll get it figured out. You can, of course, use another browser's debugger if you want. I just wrote instructions for Chrome since it's my main.

1. On a computer (not mobile device), use Google Chrome to log into your PSN account at

2. Wait for the page to load (video plays) and then click on the Quests tab (bottom of the page under the chat box section), and then press F12 to get to the debugger.

3. Click on the Elements tab at the top of the debugger.

4. Press Ctrl+F (to find/search) and type: quest-wrapper

5. Next to the search box (below the section with page code and above the "Console" section), press the down arrow button to get to the first instance of:
<div class="quest-wrapper

6. You should see 11 lines that say:
<div class="quest-wrapper" OR <div class="quest-wrapper failed"

7. Double-click on the first "quest-wrapper", and after the word wrapper add a space and the word completed (or replace failed with completed if it's there) like this:
<div class="quest-wrapper completed"
Press Enter.

8. In the web page (not the debugger), scroll down the quest box, and the first quest should now have a button you can click to claim your prize and get a theme code.

9. In the debugger, double-click the next line with "quest-wrapper" in it and make the same change, repeating steps 7&8 for each remaining prize. Note: you'll notice the first line now says claimed instead of completed.

Again, if this is unclear at all, you're welcome to post a comment below, and I can try to help you get through whatever step you're getting stuck on.

PS4 Themes
Drawn To Death Dynamic Theme
Horizon Zero Dawn Static Theme
Nioh Static Theme
PlayStation Collectible Cards Theme
PlayStation Experience 2016 Collage Theme
PlayStation Experience 2016 T-Shirt Theme
Windjammers Theme


Oof, this weekend was too short. For me, anyway. Well, it's just another manic Monday, and I hope the impending holidays/travel/final exams don't have you in too much of a tizzy.
In the mean time, here are a few new things you can add to your PSN library. I'm not sure why that goofy robot avatar got a duplicate... but it is, in fact, a separate PSN store listing, so I've added it here.

DLC Add-Ons

God Eater 2: Rage Burst
GOD EATER 2 RAGE BURST DLC Collaboration Costume Pack (PS4)

GOD EATER 2 RAGE BURST DLC Collaboration Costume Pack (Vita)


Machinarium - Josef (head)

PS4 Apps

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


This will certainly be fixed soon, so get it now if you want it.
"Buy" the free demo first, and then the listing for the full game will be free.
Thanks to gibbed for the heads-up.


Neon Chrome: Demo - Full Game

Monday, November 28, 2016


I hope y'all had a good Thanksgiving weekend. I visited family, so that was nice. Here's some stuff that's been added, and there should be more tomorrow (and probably later in the week). That free theme looks pretty neat, by the way.

DLC Add-Ons

NASCAR Heat Evolution
Matt Tifft Comeback Pack (PS4)
Toyota Challenge Pack 3 (PS4)
Toyota Paint Scheme Pack 3 (PS4)

Super Dungeon Bros.
The Broettes Character Pack (PS4)

PlayStation Plus Booster Pack (PS4)


Rocket League - Ball Avatar
Rocket League - Octane Avatar
Rocket League - RLCS Avatar
Rocket League - Shield Logo Avatar

PS4 Themes
Area X Dynamic Theme

Friday, November 18, 2016

No donations needed, but thank you.

I've had a number of people message me asking about donations and such. To those who've reached out to me about this, Thank you! 

Below are my answers to some questions I've received. If you don't read any further on this post, just know that I don't need donations but that I do plan on continuing to post updates here for the foreseeable future.

Do you make money from this blog?

Do you have a donation link for PayPal, Google Wallet, etc.?
No. Well... yes, I do have a link. But no, I'm not going to post it on this site.

Are you going to add ad banners?
No. I have no plans to add any kind of advertisements to this site. I'm sure it's simpler than I think in my head, but that's not the point of this blog.

Are the URLs referral/affiliate links?
No. I wish. I use Google's service to shorten the PlayStation Store's links for one reason: so the links don't break. I know there are folks who re-share links from here to forums (which I think is great!), and I know that forums often choke when parsing PSN links that have apostrophes and other "special" characters in them. That's all there is to it. Also, I don't think the PSN even has an affiliate program.

How can I show my appreciation if you won't take donations?
I wouldn't mind continuing to simply see appreciative PMs or seeing "thanks" comments on my posts. If you're dead set on contributing monetarily, please consider making a donation to one of the charitable organizations below instead. They'll make far better use of your contributions than I ever could.

If you shop on Amazon, you can bookmark and use my affiliate link ( when visiting the site, and a portion of your purchase will go to one of the charities I support. This will not increase the cost of your Amazon order.

Please consider donating here! Even $1 helps.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


I never know what the deal is with the pinball games. Is it a F2P game? Is it a demo? Or maybe just an add-on for a game? Well, this one's categorized as a game, so that's how I've labeled it below. If that's wrong, feel free to leave a comment deriding me.  :v


Stern Pinball Arcade

DLC Add-Ons

Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
DOA5LR Costume Catalog LR39 (PS4)

Watch Dogs 2
Private Eye Customization Pack (PS4)


PS4 Themes and Avatars
Persona 5 Ryuji Sakamoto Special Theme & Avatar Set

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


It's early in the day, so I'm sure there'll be more added later. If so, I may post again this afternoon or possibly tomorrow or Thursday. We'll see. Grab these for now.


PS4 Themes
Watch Dogs 2 Marcus Theme

PS3 Themes
PlayStation Store 10th Anniversary Theme

PSN Avatars
Josef Head

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 2016 PS Plus Games

  November 2016

This month's PS Plus games are now live. Nothing unique for the Vita—just cross-play duplicates of a couple of the PS4 offerings.

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Letter Quest Remastered
Pumped BMX+
The Deadly Tower of Monsters

Costume Quest 2
Pumped BMX+

Letter Quest Remastered
Pumped BMX+

>>>>> Store Link <<<<<


I hope y'all had a fun and safe Halloween. Here's some more stuff.

To clarify the Dead or Alive item... if you own DOA5 Last Round, this DLC doesn't really do anything for you. If you've got the F2P version (Core Fighters)—or don't have the game at all yet—then this will add a fighter (Tina) to your roster for free. Offer available this month only.

DLC Add-Ons

BlazBlue: Central Fiction
Playable Character Es (PS4)

Dengeki Additional Colors (PS3)
Playable Character Es (PS3)

Dead or Alive 5: Last Round
Core Fighters + Tina (PS4) (+)

Super Dungeon Bros
The Broettes Character Pack (PS4)

Hyper Void
VR Levels (PS4)

Friday, October 28, 2016


Here are some Verdun avatars. Have a great weekend. Play some Resident Evil or P.T. (if you've still got it). Be safe, and don't eat too much candy.


PSN Avatars
Belgian Avatar
Landser Avatar
Pionier Avatar
Piolu Avatar
Tommy Avatar
U.S. Marine Avatar

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


The Tomorrow Children is now a free-to-play title, and there's a bonus freebie for PS+ users.


PS4 Games
The Tomorrow Children (PS4)

DLC Add-Ons

The Tomorrow Children
PS Plus exclusive costume 'Princess' (PS4) (+)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Update schedules are definitely out the window. A bunch of stuff got added yesterday. Monday.  :v  Have a slew of rats and cars. And I'm sure they'll probably add more stuff throughout the week.

DLC Add-Ons

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Steve Aoki Pack (PS4)

Farming Simulator 17
New Holland T7 HD Blue Power (PS4)

NASCAR Heat Evolution
Free Paint Schemes (PS4)
Toyota Challenge Pack 2 (PS4)
Toyota Paint Scheme Pack 2 (PS4)

PlayStation Plus Bundle (PS4)


PSN Avatars
Clanrat Avatar
Grimoire Avatar
Gutter Runner Avatar
No Skaven Avatar
Packmaster Avatar
Poison Wind Globadier Avatar
Ratling Gunner Avatar
Rat Ogre Avatar
Skavenslave Avatar
Skaven Symbol Avatar
Stormvermin Avatar
The White Rat Avatar

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Someone needs to light a fire under whoever's in charge of the PS Store updates... here are a bunch of stragglers.

DLC Add-Ons

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13
RTK13: Additional Scenario 'The God of War, Surrounded' (PS4)


PSN Avatars
Warframe: Captain Vor Avatar
Warframe: Frost Avatar
Warframe: Mesa Avatar
Warframe: Stalker Avatar
Warframe: Valkyr Avatar
Warframe: Volt Avatar

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Only new add-ons right now are a handful of Nep add-ons for the dozen or so of us who own a PS Vita.
It's probably just another slow, gradual Store update as usual... I still have no idea how that even works. It's like databases don't exist and someone's manually writing the web pages for each individual item.
Oh, well. Whaaatever. I'm just gonna keep posting updates.  :v


PS4 Games
Minecraft: Story Mode - Episode 1: The Order of the Stone

PS3 Games
Minecraft: Story Mode - Episode 1: The Order of the Stone

DLC Add-Ons

Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls

Friday, October 14, 2016

2016-10-14 (2)

Another avatar got added after my post. It's ugly and not worth posting an update, but I'm posting one anyway. Also, you can get a free PS4 theme by redeeming the code below.


PSN Avatars
Banner Saga - Ubin

PS4 Themes
RIGS Mechanized Combat League Knockout Theme - Redeem code: EHAG-TANT-NN84


Well, PSVR is finally here? Did you drop half a grand to be an early adopter? I hope it was worth it. As curious and interested as I am, I can't justify the investment just yet—even though Thumper looks like it'd be great in VR...
In other news, the Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 open beta is available if you'd like to create a character and check it out.



DLC Add-Ons

Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
DOA5LR Costume Catalog LR37 (PS4)
DOA5LR Costume Catalog LR38 (PS4)

Favorite Underwear, Color Variation (Vita)

World War Toons
World War Toons: PlayStation Plus Starter Pack (PS4) (+)


PSN Avatars
Banner Saga 2 - Canary

PS4 Themes

PS4 Apps
CBS All Access
Littlstar VR Cinema

PS3 Apps

Friday, October 7, 2016


I apologize for the delay in posting an update this week. I've been holed up with the flu the past few days. I was barely able to sit and watch Netflix, and I certainly wasn't up for doing much of anything on my computer.

DLC Add-Ons

NASCAR Heat Evolution
GameStop / Erik Jones Paint Scheme Pack (PS4)
Sprint All Star Race Paint Scheme Pack (PS4)

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13
RTK13: Officer CG Set 3 (PS4)

Trails of Cold Steel II
Trails of Cold Steel — Free Trial Pack (PS3)
Trails of Cold Steel — Free Trial Pack 2 (PS3)

Trails of Cold Steel — Free Trial Pack (Vita)
Trails of Cold Steel — Free Trial Pack 2 (Vita)

October 2016 PS Plus Games

  October 2016

PS Plus titles for this month are live in the PSN Store. Interestingly, none of these appear to be cross-buy games. Be sure to add them to your library when you get a chance.

Resident Evil (HD Remaster)
Transformers: Devasatation

From Dust
Mad Riders

Actual Sunlight
Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~

>>>>> Store Link <<<<<

Friday, September 30, 2016


Of course there's some more after the Tuesday update. PSN Store's all wacky nowadays, so whatever. Have a good weekend, y'all.

DLC Add-Ons

SteamWorld Heist
Hatbox: Three 4 Free (PS4)

Hatbox: Three 4 Free (Vita)

Trails of Cold Steel II
Trails of Cold Steel II — Free 10th Anniversary Set (PS3)

Trails of Cold Steel II — Free 10th Anniversary Set (Vita)


PS4 Apps

PS3 Apps

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


A whole lot of not much this time. Oh, well. Maybe you really like watching sports.


PS4 Themes
Neverwinter Tiamat Theme

PS4 Apps

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


I hope y'all had fun playing Overwatch for free this past weekend.

In addition to the usual bunch of freebies, All Battlefield 4 add-ons (aside from weapon packs) are free right now. This promotional pricing is set to end on the 19th.

DLC Add-Ons

Battlefield 4
China Rising (PS4)
Community Operations (PS4)
Dragon's Teeth (PS4)
Final Stand (PS4)
Legacy Operations (PS4)
Naval Strike (PS4)
Night Operations (PS4)
Second Assault (PS4)

DOA5LR: Core Fighters
DOA5LR Costume Catalog LR36 (PS4)

LittleBigPlanet 2
Fancy Latte Costume (PS4/PS3)

MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death
Dengeki Collab [Helpful Item Set] (Vita)
Dengeki Collab [King's Symbol] (Vita)
Dengeki Collab [Thunder Cannon] (Vita)
Famitsu Collab [Friendship Symbol] (Vita)
Famitsu Collab [Gabas Dragon] (Vita)
Heroine Costume [Neptune Form] (Vita)
Heroine Costume [Trillion Form] (Vita)

NASCAR Heat Evolution
Toyota Challenge Pack 1 (PS4)
Toyota Paint Scheme Pack 1 (PS4)

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13
RTK13: Officer CG Set 2 (PS4)


NBA 2K17: The Prelude