Wednesday, September 20, 2017


I'd like to focus your attention for a minute on the earthquake in Mexico. Hundreds have been killed, many of them children. Please pray for everyone down there, and if you can, contribute to one of the reputable organizations providing emergency support in Mexico and to those impacted by the hurricanes.

And nooowwww, back to the show.
Not a lot this week—not as far as I'm concerned, anyway.  =P  A couple of new themes, so that's cool. I'm always down for more customization options. Other than that, it's mostly more add-ons for anime games.  :v

DLC Add-Ons

Mary Skelter: Nightmares
Dengeki Item Supply Pack (Vita)
Dengeki Suit (Vita)
Job: Sakura Maiden (Vita)

NBA 2K18
Spanish Commentary Pack (PS4)

Spanish Commentary Pack (PS3)

Chultan PS Plus Pack (PS4) (+)

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA
Adol's Adventurer Clothes (PS4)
Adol's 'Silver Armor' Costume (PS4)
Adol's Survival Kit (PS4)

Adol's Adventurer Clothes (Vita)
Adol's 'Silver Armor' Costume (Vita)
Adol's Survival Kit (Vita)
Language Pack (Vita)


PS4 Themes
A Hole New World Theme
observer_ Hologram Theme

Vita Themes
Mary Skelter: Nightmares - Dengeki Original Theme
Mary Skelter: Nightmares - Original Theme

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Just a reminder that not all free items remain free forever. The Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass, for example, is only free until 5 October. So be sure not to sit on your hands--add free stuff to your PSN library. And don't get too excited about the NBA "game." It's more of a demo/preview than anything.  =)


Happy Dungeons
NBA 2K18: The Prelude

DLC Add-Ons

September Free Toyota Pack (PS4)

Star Wars Battlefront
Season Pass (PS4)

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA
Ys VIII - Free Set 1 (PS4)
Ys VIII - Free Set 2 (PS4)

Ys VIII - Free Set 1 (Vita)
Ys VIII - Free Set 2 (Vita)


Domovoy Avatar

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


So, uhh... Yeah. Not much here right now. Just a couple of PS+ exclusives. Maybe there'll be more for me to post later in the week. September PS+ games are live, so grab those if you subscribe. There's a PSVR game this month, so that might be fun for the dozen or so folks who have a PSVR headset.  :)

DLC Add-Ons

3-on-3 FreeStyle
PlayStation Plus Bonus Pack (Sep) (PS4) (+)

Trance Sphere Mount (PS4) (+)

Friday, September 1, 2017


Happy September. Got a buncha stuff in this update post. Quite a few avatars, some themes... and the most important add-on in quite a long time... a giant Cup Noodles hat for FF15. Subtle.  :v

Who's excited about Density 2? Well, I kind of was until I played the beta a few days ago... I'm not a fan of that single checkpoint before the long, multi-stage boss fight with no backfill mechanic if someone decides to leave your 3-man team...

BUT in any case, you can get some PSN codes for a Destiny 2 theme and two avatars by watching a few trailer videos here. Just click the QUESTS tab in the bottom-right. One of the quests is also an entry to win a PS4 Pro. Best of luck, guardians (and others)!



DLC Add-Ons

Final Fantasy XV
Outfit: Noodle Helmet (PS4)

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
Pigasus (PS4)

Let It Die
PlayStation Plus Free Exclusive Pack (PS4) (+)

Marvel Heroes Ometa
Defenders Event Participation Ticket (PS4)

Rock of Ages II
Binding of Isaac Pack (PS4)

Yakuza Theme (PS4)


Arcane Mechanic
Baron Upyr
General Harker
Livelock Catalyst
Livelock Hex
Livelock Vanguard
Van Helsing

PS4 Themes
Everybody's Golf - Dynamic Theme
Hawken Theme
Van Helsing Theme