Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Still pretty slow around these parts. If you're interested, you can check out the LawBreakers beta this weekend. It kind of gives me a Titanfall meets Overwatch vibe. {shrug}

Also, whoever's in charge of updates for the PSN web store broke something, so if anything's missing, that's why. Hopefully it'll get sorted so I can poll the site and get accurate data again.

DLC Add-Ons

Valkyria Revolution
Scenario: The Formation of Vanargand (PS4)
Scenario: The Ring of Contract (PS4)

Scenario: The Formation of Vanargand (Vita)
Scenario: The Ring of Contract (Vita)

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Happy Independence Day to all my fellow Americans!
If you had the day off, I hope you spent your time well! If you were working today, I hope your workday went quickly and that you were able to spend the evening doing something fun!

Please note that The Division is listed in the Games section even though it's not technically the "full" game. However, it's classified as such (and not as a Demo) since this is the "full" game client for the public test server (akin to Blizzard's PTR).


The Division - Public Test Server (PS4)

DLC Add-Ons

Tokyo Xanadu
Free item set 1 (Vita)
Free item set 2 (Vita)
Free item set 3 (Vita)
Free item set 4 (Vita)


Trove - Dino Tamer Avatar
Trove - Dracolyte Avatar
Trove - Tomb Raiser Avatar
Trove - T-Rex Avatar